Could North Korean, US threats of destruction cause an accidental war?

The war of words between North Korea and the United States could be pushing the region closer to the brink of an accidental conflict.
While neither country is outwardly moving towards an actual war footing, military displays of power, mixed with threats and counter threats may result in an ugly outcome, Stratfor Vice President of Strategic Analysis Rodger Baker told CNN.
    "The North Koreans assume that the threats will be enough to restrain US action but the US might be thinking the same thing, so you end up in a situation where a provocation from one side is seen by the other as an actual move towards war," he said.
    North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho announced on Monday that US President Donald Trump had "declared a war" on his country by tweeting that North Korea "won't be around much longer." Ri's interpretation of Trump's tweet was roundly dismissed by the White House later that day.
    The South Korean government has been desperately calling for calm on both sides, as the country's citizens would be among the first to suffer in any war.
    Speaking in Washington on Monday, South Korea's Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha said the United States has to help to reduce tensions on the peninsula.
    "It is very likely that North Korea will conduct further provocations," she said. "It is imperative that we, Korea and the US together, manage the situation ... in order to prevent further escalation of tensions or any kind of accidental military clashes which can quickly go out of control."


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