Celestial Church of Christ at 70 today

Celestial Church of Christ founded by divine order 29th September 1947. The church has been the most popular of all white garment churches in the world .

Started in Porto-novo in Republic of Benin, got to Nigeria from Gbaji district in 1951 from fishermen. late Sepo, Johanna, leyon,Francois and three others.

The church gained wide recognition through numerous raising of deaths back to life by the Founder Rev.S.B.J Oshoffa .

Celestial Holy City is located in Imeko in Ogun State where all Celestians go as pilgrimage yearly from all around the world.

Many signs that has affected Nigerians have come from prophecy from this great church, example is the former President Olusegun Obasanjo who was told by the late founder that he would became the President of Nigeria again but not as a military head which came to past years after.

Celestial all over the world are at the Holy city today to celebrate the day .

Here at Tobigabriel Generale we wish Celestians all over the world a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY .



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