President says he shook up communications team to ‘make America great again’

The president made his characterization of the communications team shake-up, which led to the resignation of press secretary Sean Spicer, to reporters after a meeting of survivors from the USS Arizona, the ship attacked in Pearl Harbor. The president told the survivors his administration was building the military “bigger, and stronger and better.”

As to the communications team, Spicer had a tumultuous six months as the president’s main spokesman. In a statement delivered by the new press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump said he was “grateful for Sean’s work on behalf of my administration and the American people. I wish him continued success as he moves on to pursue new opportunities, just look at his great television ratings.”

Scaramucci by contrast blew a kiss to the media after taking a variety of questions. “Anthony is a person I have great respect for, and he will be an important addition to this administration. He’s been a great supporter and will now help implement key aspects of our agenda while leading the communications team. We have accomplished so much and we are being given credit for so little. The good news is the people get it even if the media doesn’t,” Trump said.


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