Mother-in-Celestial Osibanjo speaks for the 1st time

Good day to all my Fellow Celestians , you all know that I don't involve myself in issues on social media, but as a mother , my heart was heavy , I was seriously disturbed with the issue of Baba Bro Bro . Especially when I woke up this morning to see a writeup on Facebook . Please for Gods sake can we just stop posting negative things about this Man's Children. What I want us to understand is that If we can all learn how to accept our mistakes, this world would be a better place to live. 
To be Honest , We are all Aware that  Some Celestians donated but We are all guilty of not going to see this man often ( Expecially those of us that lives in Nigeria) am also guilty as well because I only visited him once which is not enough. If Seyi Complain ,  why are we Angry . The lady is going through a lot that is beyond her age . Did we realize the stress she had been going through? Her father was on sick bed for years , The mans leg was Amputated, Her mother died in the process and you are expecting her to be calm , if not because she was strong , depression would have set in, so am appealing to all Celestian to please show her love , yes she may have made mistake with some of her words but to cry it loud  she had made another video to tell the whole world that Celestians tried For her father so please don't let us add more to her pain , is not easy to be in that situation.
I read some comments that she should come out to give account of all the money they gave her , to be honest I felt so bad reading that comments, did we give her money for business? That we needed her to give us account? Did we realize what it takes to be on sick bed for years ? Celestians , why are we doing this to ourselves? Why Why Why ..
So, she should come online and state all the injections, drugs , water, tissue paper, food etc that was bought when they are in cotonou ?can anyone love her father more than her ? Even if eventually she spend out of that money ,should that be a problem, she left her kids and her matrimonial home , her work to  stay with her  father and we are still blaming her that She's not transparent, but why why why, Where is the love that radiate among our fathers and mother's when we are young in this great celestial, Are we the only denomination on Social media ? If the outcome of All Celestial and Agbala Gabriel foundation and all other donors,  turn out to be 100million it has the hand of  God , so let us all be happy for the family . Let's support the family with prayers . I want to use this medium to thank Our Father , Rev Pastor EMF Oshoffa he has been a caring and loving father to all of us , Also to all Celestians who have contributed. May God in His infinite mercy heal Baba Bro Bro . Seyi please be strong , the Lord will Strengthen you . 
God bless us all .


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