Pastors caught in the act - Read to understanding

What Tobigabriel Generale has to say about the trending tithe issue in Nigeria:

Today news have it that Senior Pastor of Kingsway International Christian Center in London Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo has joined numerous pastors to call out on OAP Daddy Freeze tithe teachings. 

Many Pastors have responded to OAP Daddy Freeze making him unnecessarily popular.

I think it is quite disappointing that Pastors who are to teach congregations how to overlook some arguable matters are caught right in the act!   

Please, who is to be blame for Daddy Freeze mentality? My answer is the Pastors themselves should be blame. A lot of them taught bible with self interpretation to favor them, thereby giving wrong nutrition of the word of God to different ages . A baby is suppose to be fed with milk, and adult with solid. But what we have this day is pastor thinking and not Holy Spirit led.

How can a Pastor says '' Old testament is annul'' because Christ has nullify old things with His blood. Before i go further; can someone tell when the bible was written : before Christ ascension or afterwards?  Afterwards I guess. How then can a Pastor born few years back feed me with uncooked meal. The blood of Christ has taking away anything involving blood sacrifices would have been better to say than condemning in totality the old testament. 

Trailing the path of these teachings a lot of followers like Daddy Freeze, have search that no Tithe was required in New Testament, rather Christ was questioning when talking about it in Matthew 23 verses 23 ''Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 
If you must teach, please!!! ask the Holy Spirit to teach you first and feed you properly with His words, for you to know what you will feed your followers with to avoid dysentery like the one worrying OAP Daddy Freeze now.

Thanks and regards 


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